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It’s black windows now That wait me to sleep And grow dreams. I’m anxious to get there, And cavort with Ariel. I had such a day.
Harvest moon A wonderful song about once us
What is Art
The past presents
Dreams now
Dreamy then.
When love was .
Paint that!
What if we leapt together?
Do you ever wonder?
Carve that
I’m old
And lonely.
I paint thinking that sometimes
A reprobate’s manual of cautions
And don’t dos
Carve and paint totems
Love fills me
Stabs me
Accuses me.
Pains me.
Teases me.
Blames me
Every day mixing paint
Eros and Aphrodite
Weren’t we?
God! That elevator!
The Wharf.
The bad car.
The first kiss.
Those eyes.
Turn up the music, sing dance, carve, paint
Only because it was given to
Me freely
Do I feel so wretched without it.
Until in the studio where canvas and wood
Give it back to me
I was going to ask:
What became of the paintings?
But choose not to.
Better to let dear memories
Lay with me in dark
Nights such as this.
Better still to believe that
This woman next to me
is who I always wanted.
On the occasion That mute is not a good look for me I’m back to work On this art igloo Where truth be told. Not by me; By paint and wood.
In the darkest corner of my life
Nothing seems possible.
Even the brush resists
The chisels are gruff.
I’m sick
In pain
As the body fails
Thus the art.
tonight, on the way home from painting
this hot pink sky
dropped on treetops
hungry silhouettes
reaching all a lust
at fleeting day
to a dark canvas where
high in it
Polyphemus' eye's all bright
and below
howling everywhere.
I wake up each morning
Fertile from dreams.
Notions of ART!! wrung out
Like water from a shirt
that would shrink
If tossed to the dryer.
Notions about being
Pervade and parade
insist on the brush and the mallet.
I just think the whole business of living
Is wonderful and funny.
Despite the cruelty and savagery,
Meanness of spirit and greed,
Flowers still bloom,
Babies coo,
Lovers exault.
No blue penciling the dream time,
It comes to me and we dance.
Sort of like the silhouettes at the
End of the Seventh Seal,
Only alive and beside ourselves with merriment.
I can’t go back
Since I can’t get up
since my eyes keep closing
The door is closed
The key is gone
And I can’t go back
Since I can’t get up
Since my eyes keep closing.
It’s black windows now That wait me to sleep And grow dreams. I’m anxious to get there, And cavort with Ariel. I had such a day.
Harvest moon A wonderful song about once us
What is Art
The past presents
Dreams now
Dreamy then.
When love was .
Paint that!
What if we leapt together?
Do you ever wonder?
Carve that
I’m old
And lonely.
I paint thinking that sometimes
A reprobate’s manual of cautions
And don’t dos
Carve and paint totems
Love fills me
Stabs me
Accuses me.
Pains me.
Teases me.
Blames me
Every day mixing paint
Eros and Aphrodite
Weren’t we?
God! That elevator!
The Wharf.
The bad car.
The first kiss.
Those eyes.
Turn up the music, sing dance, carve, paint
Only because it was given to
Me freely
Do I feel so wretched without it.
Until in the studio where canvas and wood
Give it back to me
I was going to ask:
What became of the paintings?
But choose not to.
Better to let dear memories
Lay with me in dark
Nights such as this.
Better still to believe that
This woman next to me
is who I always wanted.
On the occasion That mute is not a good look for me I’m back to work On this art igloo Where truth be told. Not by me; By paint and wood.
In the darkest corner of my life
Nothing seems possible.
Even the brush resists
The chisels are gruff.

I’m sick
In pain
As the body fails
Thus the art.

tonight, on the way home from painting
this hot pink sky
dropped on treetops
hungry silhouettes
reaching all a lust
at fleeting day
to a dark canvas where
high in it
Polyphemus' eye's all bright
and below
howling everywhere.
I wake up each morning
Fertile from dreams.
Notions of ART!! wrung out
Like water from a shirt
that would shrink
If tossed to the dryer.
Notions about being
Pervade and parade
insist on the brush and the mallet.
I just think the whole business of living
Is wonderful and funny.
Despite the cruelty and savagery,
Meanness of spirit and greed,
Flowers still bloom,
Babies coo,
Lovers exault.
No blue penciling the dream time,
It comes to me and we dance.
Sort of like the silhouettes at the
End of the Seventh Seal,
Only alive and beside ourselves with merriment.
I can’t go back
Since I can’t get up
since my eyes keep closing
The door is closed
The key is gone
And I can’t go back
Since I can’t get up
Since my eyes keep closing.
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